Emporia State University’s mission is preparing students for lifelong learning, rewarding careers and adaptive leadership
This live stream will start when the Board Meeting starts.
Please check the Meeting Agenda for start times.
(Note: Stream does not play during Executive Session or when no meeting is in session.)
Having trouble? You can access this live-stream directly at: https://youtu.be/noIEDZsEMDQ
This live stream will start when the Board Meeting starts.
Please check the Meeting Agenda for start times.
(Note: Stream does not play during Executive Session or when no meeting is in session.)
Having trouble? You can access this live-stream directly on the KBOR YouTube channel.
Advocating for ABE Learners with Disabilities:
A How-To Guide for Educators and Disability Service Professionals
Friday, January 30, 2015 10:00am – NOON
There is NO charge to attend this webinar.
NOTE: This session is a repeat of Mr. Haugen's 90-minute webinar presented at the June Program Leader's Meeting in Liberal and on 9/19/14.
* Required information.
Review past presentations made at the Kansas Board of Regents:
Kansas Board of Regents Liberal Arts Discussion
Date: December 18, 2014
Presenters: (see agenda)
Kansas Board of Regents Clinical Integration Update
Date: December 17, 2014
- Doug Girod, M.D. - Executive Vice Chancellor, KUMC
- Bob Page - CEO, University of Kansas Hospital