A green rectangle banner with the words "Dream. Explore.Apply. Apply Kansas"







The first step in going to college is to apply!  For many students, applying to college can be a daunting task, but it can be particularly overwhelming for students who may be the first in their family to pursue postsecondary educational dreams or have yet to consider their plans after high school.  Apply Kansas, is our annual statewide campaign in which high schools conduct events to help seniors apply to college with their peers and with help, guidance, and a cheering squad from school staff, local community supporters, and postsecondary volunteers.  In partnership with the American College Application Campaign, Apply Kansas is a month-long, state-wide initiative to increase the number of students applying, enrolling, and succeeding in college or other postsecondary goals.

We encourage your high school to register.  We’ll help you with resources, tips, and tools to help you host a successful event!

Step 1: Register your school or community organization as a host site for a 2024 Apply Kansas event!
See below list of Apply Kansas participating high schools for 2024. 
Step 2:
Attend a training or view the virtual training. See below.
Step 3:
Plan your event
Step 4: Host your event and collect student data
Step 5: Submit your site data Click here to see if your site completion data is received. 
Next, check out the All Star High School page

Additional Apply Kansas details are located below. 

Resources and reports

2024 Apply Free Days Page
2024 Apply Free Days Application Instructions
Map of 2024 Apply Kansas schools
List of 2024 Participating Apply KS Schools
Site Coordinator Information & Resources
Promoting the Event 
Reporting Requirements
2024 Kansas Admission Guide (links to applications for admission, financial aid departments, and scholarship deadlines)
FAFSA & Financial Aid Resources
2023 Apply Kansas Annual Report Graphic
2024 Apply Kansas Annual Report Graphic
2024 Apply Kansas Annual Report Slides - Coming Soon!

Plan your Apply Kansas event

1. Reserve computer labs, library, or classrooms/facilities for your event.

2. Post Banners to remind students that event will occur.

3. Recruit Volunteers - Could be teachers or college admission staff.

4. Prepare Students for the Event.

#1: Encourage your seniors to identify 2-3 colleges or postsecondary programs they would like to apply to.  You could require students to complete some or all of these options.

  • Attend a College Fair (either virtual or in-person)
  • Use a college search tool: Xello, Big Future, Naviance, KS degreestats, Encourage, etc.
  • Complete College Fit Worksheet
  • Visit a college campus

#2: Once they’ve identified some colleges, have seniors complete the College Application Checklist, to prepare personal information they may need to complete their college application on the day of the event

5. Apply Kansas Event Day!

  • Complete College Applications
  • Request Transcripts
  • Submit fee waivers (when applicable)
  • Students complete a sign out survey (Examples: Online, Paper #1, Paper #2)

    • Reporting your Apply Kansas Event data is the only requirement of participating in this program. At a minimum you’ll need to submit the following information to us at the conclusion of your event:

      • Number of seniors who submitted an application
      • Total Number of college applications submitted
      • Number of KS Public Colleges receiving applications

  • Social Media Blitz!  Post pictures with an Apply Kansas banner listing the colleges they applied when finished

6. Submit your Apply Kansas site data to Apply Kansas by December 1st.

  • This submission qualifies you to receive All Star High School recognition. 

7. Follow up with FAFSA completion instructions/events & Financial Aid resources

  • To see your high school's individual student FAFSA submission list, please fill out the attachment and send your request to Linda Oldham Burns  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

8. Incentivize seniors completing all 4 tasks.  Certificate?  Prizes?  Apply Kansas Swag?

2024 apply kansas Training Schedule 

In-person training locations will include opportunities to share ideas and a campus tour with updates from the institution.

Training Location Date Time
Virtual Training -   Slides    Recording    
Dodge City Community College Thursday, Aug 22 8:30am - 12:00pm
Kansas State University Monday, Aug 26 8:30am - 12:00pm
Fort Scott Community College Wednesday, Aug 28 8:30am - 12:00pm
Wichita State University Thursday, Aug 29 8:30am - 12:45pm
Fort Hays State University Wednesday, Sept 4 8:30am - 12:00pm
Colby Community College  Thursday, Sept 5 8:30am - 12:00pm
Innovative Gathering - Virtual Monday, Sept 9 9:30am - 10:30am
Innovative Gathering - Virtual Tuesday, Sept 10 9:30am - 10:30am

New for this year: Innovative Gathering - this is an opportunity to hear what other Apply Kansas sites are doing! Schools will be separated by size during the virtual gathering to share best practices.  


WHY APPLY Day: Friday, September 20, 2024

Check out this video made by students in Shawnee Heights High School.  The students in the Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG) program asked their teachers to fill out the selfie page on why students should apply to college and collected all their responses in this video .    

Create your own "Why Apply" selfie page (pdf) and post your picture on any social media outlet tagging: #applyks #whyapply

2023 Why Apply Pic

 Why Apply resources


When is the campaign?

The Apply Kansas campaign is held annually between September - November. Your high school can pick a day (or multiple days) during the fall months to conduct an event. Many schools plan around the Kansas Apply Free Days or around the month of October which is the states "College Application Month". 

How do I register my school? 

Click here to complete a short registration form.

Are community organizations allowed to hold an event?

Absolutely!  All events are welcome to support seniors with their post-secondary plans. Register here!

Should I register if my school is small or if we host a similar event?

YES!  Register your school for Apply Kansas even if you are currently conducting a program or your school is small.  Tracking state-wide participation helps evaluate the impact Kansas schools have on their students. Team up with a participating neighboring school or district. See below list of Apply Kansas participating high schools for 2024. 

What’s involved in conducting an event?

Your school’s site coordinator will select the date, reserve a computer lab, secure volunteers, and report campaign results.  Apply Kansas & KBOR provide free resources to help with the planning process (see links above on the right)  You know what your students will respond to better than anyone, so as long as you can get us your summary data, we’ll support you with resources and anything else you need to have a successful event

Is there training to help us get started?

YES!  We are scheduling in-person training & virtual training sessions. Dates and locations will be listed on this page. The virtual session will also have registration and be open for you to interact with other participants virtually. We will also record the virtual session for anyone who is unable to fit any of the trainings into their schedule.  All sessions will contain the same information, so you just need to pick one date. Training sessions will give you the opportunity to see all the resources available to you, meet other Apply Kansas coordinators, and understand the best way to gather your summary data at the end of your event.

Apply Kansas Training: Starting in 2022, we combined Apply Kansas Training with a counselor college event! Site Coordinators will spend the first half of the training learning about the Apply Kansas program, picking up their swag items, and interacting with other site coordinators. Then, following the training, site coordinators will review information about the host institutions and be able to attend a walking tour of the campus. Each year, we will select different institutions across the state to host our Apply Kanas training events. All training sessions are in person unless specifically noted below. 

Can virtual students and schools participate?

Absolutely! We want to support all students and schools. Team up with a public library or community organization to offer an in person event or hold a virtual event! 


Apply Kansas schools


2024 Apply Kansas Sites
Abilene High School Halstead High School Pratt High School
Accelerated Schools of Overland Park Hanover High School Pretty Prairie High School
Altoona-MIdway Hartford High School Quinter High School
Andale High School Hayden Catholic High School Rawlins County Jr/Sr High School
Andover Central High School Hays High School Remington High School
Andover High School Haysville Campus High School Republic County Junior Senior High School
Argonia High School Hesston High School Riley County High School
Arkansas City High School Hiawatha High School Riverside High School
Ashland High School Highland Park High School Riverton High School
Atchison High Hillsboro Middle High School Rock Creek High School
Attica High School Hodgemen County High School Rock Hills Jr Sr High School
Augusta High School Hoisington High School Rolla Junior Senior High School
Avondale Academy Holcomb High School Rose Hill High School
Axtell High School Holton High School Rosssville Jr/Sr High School
Baldwin High School Hope Schools Royal Valley High School
Basehor Linwood High School Hoxie High School Russell Jr./Sr. High School
Baxter Springs High School Hugoton High School Sabetha High School
Beloit Jr./Sr. High School Humboldt High School Sacred Heart Jr. Sr. High School
Bishop Carroll Catholic High School Hutchinson High School Saint Francis Jr/Sr High School
Blue Valley Academy Independence Bible School Saint Thomas Aquinas High School
Blue Valley High School Independence High School Salina High School Central
Blue Valley North High School Ingalls High School Salina South High School
Blue Valley Northwest Inman High School Santa Fe Trail High School
Blue Valley Southwest Iola High School Satanta Jr/Sr High School
Blue Valley West J C Harmon High School Scott Community High School
Bluestem Jr/Sr High School Jackson Heights High School Seaman High School
Bonner Springs High School Jefferson West High School Sedan High School
Brewster High School Kansas Connections Academy Sedgwick High School
Bridges Academy Kapaun Mt. Carmel Shawnee Heights High School
Bucklin High School Kingman High School Shawnee Mission North
Burlingame Jr./Sr. High Kinsley Jr/Sr High School Shawnee Mission Northwest High School
Burlington High School Kiowa County High School Shawnee Mission South High School
Caldwell High School La Crosse High School Shawnee Mission West
Caney Valley High School Labette county high school Silver Lake High School
Canton Galva Jr/Sr High School Lakeside Jr/Sr High School Skyline High School
Cedar Vale High School Lakin High School Smith Center Jr/Sr High School
Central Heights High School USD 288 Lansing High School Smoky Valley High School
Central Jr/Sr High School Larned High School Solomon High School
Central Plains High School Lawrence High School South Central High School
Central School Leavenworth High School South Gray High School
Centralia High School Lebo High School Southeast High School
Centre USD 397 Liberal High School Southeast of Saline High School
Chanute High School Linn High School Southern Coffey County
Chaparral High School Little River Southwestern Heights High School
Chapman High School Logan High School Spearville High School
Chase County Jr/Sr High School Louisburg High School Spring Hill High School
Chase High School Lyndon High School St. James Academy
Cheney High School Lyons High School St. John High School
Cherryvale High School Macksville High School St. John's Catholic High School
Chetopa High School Madison USD 386 St. Mary's Colgan
Cheylin High School Maize High School St. Marys High School
Cimarron High School Maize South High School Stafford High School
Circle High School Maize Virtual Preparatory School Stanton County High School
Clay Center Community High School Manhattan High School Sterling High School
Clearwater High School Marais des Cygnes Valley High School Stockton High School
Clifton-Clyde High School Marion High School Sublette High School
Colby High School Marysville Jr/Sr High School Sumner Academy of Arts and Science
Concordia Jr Sr High School Maur Hill - Mount Academy Syracuse High School
Conway Springs High School McPherson High School Tescott High School
Council Grove Jr Sr High School Meade High School Thomas More Prep-Marian High School
Crest High School Medicine Lodge Junior Senior High School Thunder Ridge High School
Cunningham High School Mill Valley High School Tonganoxie High School
Decatur Community High School Minneapolis High School Topeka High School
Deerfield High School Minneola High School Topeka Virtual School
Derby High School Mission Valley Jr/Sr High School Topeka West
Dexter USD #471 Moscow High School Trinity Catholic High School
Dighton High School Moundridge High School Troy High School
Dodge City High School Mulvane High School Turner High School
Dodge City HS STRIDE Natoma High School Udall High School
Doniphan West High School Nemaha Central High School Ulysses High School
Douglass High School Neodesha High School Uniontown Junior/Senior High School
Eisenhower High School Ness City High School Valley Center High School
El Dorado High School Newton High School Valley Falls High School
Elk Valley USD 283 Nickerson High School Valley Heights High School- Blue Rapids
Ellinwood High School Northeast High School Victoria High School
Ellis High School Northeast Magnet High School Wakefield High School
Ellsworth High School Norton Community High School Wallace County High School
Ell-Saline High School Norwich High School Wamego High School
Emporia High School Oakley High School Washburn Rural High School
Erie High School Olathe East High School Washington County High School
Eureka Jr Sr High School Olathe North High School Washington High School
Fairfield High School Olathe Northwest High School Waverly High School
Field Kindley High School Olathe South High School Wellington High School
FL Schlagle High School Olathe West High School Wellsville High School
Flinthills High School Onaga High School West Elk High School
Fort Scott High School Osage City High School West Franklin High School
Fredonia Jr/Sr High School Osawatomie High School Western Plains High School
Frontenac High School Osborne High School Wheatland High School
Galena High School Oskaloosa High School White City High School
Garden City Achieve Oswego Jr./Sr. High School Wichita Alternative High School - Chester Lewis
Garden City High School Ottawa High School Wichita County - Leoti
Garden Plain High School Oxford High School Wichita County Jr/Sr/ High School
Gardner Edgerton High School Palco High School Wichita Heights High School
Girard High School Paola High School Wichita High School East
Goddard High School Parsons High School Wichita High School North
Goessel High School Peabody-Burns High School Wichita High School South
Golden Plains High School Phillipsburg High School Wichita Northwest High school
Goodland High School Pike Valley High School Wichita Southeast
Great Bend High School Piper High School Winfield High School
Greeley County High School Plainville High School Wyandotte High School
Greenbush Virtual Academy Prairie View High School Yates Center Junior/Senior High School


Contact Mistie Knox (785) 430-4279

Follow Apply Kansas on social media!

Facbook logo - blue square with the letter "f."     instathumbnail large