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The Data, Research and Planning (DRP) unit is responsible for providing data analysis support for data-driven decision-making activities of the Kansas Board of Regents. This responsibility includes: the development of an integrated system of postsecondary data collection, data maintenance, data analysis, and reporting. The DRP unit is also responsible for Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) coordination for all higher education institutions in Kansas. Currently, the DRP unit, with the help of advisory committees composed of campus representatives, is in the process of designing and implementing a statewide postsecondary database system. In addition, the DRP unit is in the process of reviewing all current reports and developing electronic means of collecting and reporting these data.
There are no trainings or events currently scheduled.
To be directed to the Kansas Board of Regents Data, Research and Planning login point of access, click here. Password access is required for entry, and must be set through DRP.
Access the websites of national and regional organizations of researchers:
The Association for Institutional Research (AIR) is the world's largest professional association for institutional researchers. The organization provides educational resources, best practices and professional development opportunities for more than 4,000 members. Its primary purpose is to support members in the process of collecting, analyzing, and converting data into information that supports decision-making in higher education.
MidAIR is a regional organization of institutional researchers dedicated to improving and disseminating research of concern to institutions of higher education. MidAIR serves Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, and is an affiliate of the Association of Institutional Research.
The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) is a system of interrelated surveys conducted annually by the U.S. Department’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). IPEDS gathers information from every college, university, and technical and vocational institution that participates in the federal student financial aid programs. The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, requires that institutions that participate in federal student aid programs report data on enrollments, program completions, graduation rates, faculty and staff, finances, institutional prices, and student financial aid.
Complete Databook (pdf) - revised October 2013
2013 Glossary (pdf)
Section I: Finance
1.10 - Total Operating Expenditures at State Universities by Fund, FY2007-FY2012
1.12 - All Funds Operating Expenditures by Program, FY2007-FY2012
1.13 - General Use Operating Expenditures by Program, FY2007-FY2012
1.14 - General Use Operating Expenditures by Object, FY2007-FY2012
1.30 - Total Operating Expenditures by Fund, FY2007-FY2012
1.32 - All Funds Operating Expenditures by Program, FY2007-FY2012
1.33 - General Use Operating Expenditures by Program, FY2007-FY2012
1.34 - General Use Operating Expenditures by Object, FY2007-FY2012
1.40 - Gross General Use Educational Expenditures per Fall FTE Student, FY2007-FY2012
Section II: Tuition and Fees
2.1a - Resident Tuition Rates Approved for Academic Year 2008 - Academic Year 2013 Undergraduate Students
2.1c - Resident Tuition Rates Approved for Academic Year 2008 - Academic Year 2013 Graduate Students
2.1d - Non-resident Tuition Rates Approved for Academic Year 2008 - Academic Year 2013 Graduate Students
2.2 - Tuition and Fees - Resident/Non-resident by Student Level, Academic Year 2013
2.3 - Five-Year Undergraduate Tuition and Fees Comparison, Academic Year 2008 and Academic Year 2013
2.4 - Ratio of Tuition Revenues to Educational Costs, FY2007-FY2012
2.6 - Relationship of Resident Tuition Per Semester and Consumer Price Index, FY1992-FY2012
2.7 - Relationship of Resident Tuition Per Semester and Per Capita Income, FY1992-FY2012
2.8 - Consumer Price Index (CPI - U) and Higher Education Price Index (HEPI), FY1991-FY2011
Section III: Students
3.1 - Enrollment Headcount by Institution, Fall 2007 - Fall 2012
3.2 - Full-Time Equivalent Enrollment by Institution, Fall 2007 - Fall 2012
3.3 - Demographic Profiles of Students at State Universities, Fall 2007 - Fall 2012
3.4 - Enrollment Headcount by Institution and Gender, Fall 2007 - Fall 2012
3.5 - Average ACT Composite Scores Among Entering Freshmen, Academic Year 2008 - Academic Year 2013
3.6 - Degrees Conferred at State Universities by Type, Academic Year 2007 - Academic Year 2012
3.6a - Degrees Conferred at State Universities by Institution, Academic Year 2007 - Academic Year 2012
3.7 - Graduation Status of First-time, Full-time Freshmen (4,5,6, and 8-Year Cohort)
3.8 - One-Year Retention Rate of First-time, Full-time Freshmen, Fall 2006 - Fall 2010
3.81 - One-Year Retention Rate of 2010 Cohort, First-time, Full-time Freshmen by ACT Score
Section IV: Faculty and Staff
4.1 - Summary of Budgeted Positions by Program, FY2013
4.31 - Average Faculty Salaries by Academic Rank Full-time Instructional Faculty, FY2013
4.33 - Average Salary Increases Other Full-time, Continuing Personnel, FY2013
4.35 - Average Salaries of Instructional Faculty, Compared to Peer Institutions, FY2013
4.36 - Graduate Teaching Assistants by Number and Average Stipend, FY2013
4.4 - State Universities: Faculty by Age, FY2013
4.5 - Tenure Status of Institutional Personnel - State Universities, Fall 2012
4.6 - Faculty Resignations, Retirements, and Terminations by Institutions, FY2008-FY2012
Section V: Facilities
5.1 - Area and Replacement Cost of Buildings, Fall 2012
5.2 - Gross Area of Buildings by Condition Value (Excluding Buildings >50% Residential), Fall 2012
5.25 - Gross Area of Buildings by Age (Excluding Buildings >50% Residential), Fall 2012
5.3 - Utilization Data of Classrooms and Teaching Laboratories, Fall 2012
Institutional Profiles
University of Kansas - Medical Center
Complete Databook (pdf) - January 2014
2014 Glossary (pdf)
Section I: Finance
1.10 - Total Operating Expenditures at State Universities by Fund, FY2008-FY2013
1.12 - All Funds Operating Expenditures by Program, FY2008-FY2013
1.13 - General Use Operating Expenditures by Program, FY2008-FY2013
1.14 - General Use Operating Expenditures by Object, FY2008-FY2013
1.30 - Total Operating Expenditures by Fund, FY2008-FY2013
1.32 - All Funds Operating Expenditures by Program, FY2008-FY2013
1.33 - General Use Operating Expenditures by Program, FY2008-FY2013
1.34 - General Use Operating Expenditures by Object, FY2008-FY2013
1.40 - Gross General Use Educational Expenditures per Fall FTE Student, FY2008-FY2013
Section II: Tuition and Fees
2.1a - Resident Tuition Rates Approved for Academic Year 2009 - Academic Year 2014 Undergraduate Students
2.1c - Resident Tuition Rates Approved for Academic Year 2009 - Academic Year 2014 Graduate Students
2.1d - Non-resident Tuition Rates Approved for Academic Year 2009 - Academic Year 2014 Graduate Students
2.2 - Tuition and Fees - Resident/Non-resident by Student Level, Academic Year 2014
2.3 - Five-Year Undergraduate Tuition and Fees Comparison, Academic Year 2008 and Academic Year 2013
2.4 - Ratio of Tuition Revenues to Educational Costs, FY2008-FY2013
2.6 - Relationship of Resident Tuition Per Semester and Consumer Price Index, FY1992-FY2012
2.7 - Relationship of Resident Tuition Per Semester and Per Capita Income, FY1992-FY2012
2.8 - Consumer Price Index (CPI - U) and Higher Education Price Index (HEPI), FY1992-FY2012
Section III: Students
3.1 - Enrollment Headcount by Institution, Fall 2008 - Fall 2013
3.2 - Full-Time Equivalent Enrollment by Institution, Fall 2008 - Fall 2013
3.3 - Demographic Profiles of Students at State Universities, Fall 2008 - Fall 2013
3.4 - Enrollment Headcount by Institution and Gender, Fall 2008 - Fall 2013
3.5 - Average ACT Composite Scores Among Entering Freshmen, Academic Year 2008 - Academic Year 2013
3.6 - Degrees Conferred at State Universities by Type, Academic Year 2008 - Academic Year 2013
3.6a - Degrees Conferred at State Universities by Institution, Academic Year 2008 - Academic Year 2013
3.7 - Graduation Status of First-time, Full-time Freshmen (4,5,6, and 8-Year Cohort)
3.8 - One-Year Retention Rate of First-time, Full-time Freshmen, Fall 2007 - Fall 2011
3.81 - One-Year Retention Rate of 2011 Cohort, First-time, Full-time Freshmen by ACT Score
Section IV: Faculty and Staff
4.1 - Summary of Budgeted Positions by Program, FY2014
4.31 - Average Faculty Salaries by Academic Rank Full-time Instructional Faculty, FY2014
4.33 - Average Salary Increases Other Full-time, Continuing Personnel, FY2014
4.35 - Average Salaries of Instructional Faculty, Compared to Peer Institutions, FY2013
4.36 - Graduate Teaching Assistants by Number and Average Stipend, FY2014
4.4 - State Universities: Faculty by Age, FY2014
4.5 - Tenure Status of Institutional Personnel - State Universities, Fall 2013
4.6 - Faculty Resignations, Retirements, and Terminations by Institutions, FY2009-FY2013
Section V: Facilities
5.1 - Area and Replacement Cost of Buildings, Fall 2012
5.2 - Gross Area of Buildings by Condition Value (Excluding Buildings >50% Residential), Fall 2012
5.25 - Gross Area of Buildings by Age (Excluding Buildings >50% Residential), Fall 2012
5.3 - Utilization Data of Classrooms and Teaching Laboratories, Fall 2012
Institutional Profiles
University of Kansas - Medical Center
Kansas State University - Veterinary Medical Center